How to obtain higher prices: Many firms reduce prices since the experience curve, increasing competition and rising customer price sensitivity stimulate such actions. The other side of the coin is that inflation, stock market expectations for growing profits and the difficulty of finding enough products to replace established ones create pressure to increase margins. There are six ways to increase prices: 1. Influencing the psychology of the sales team The sales training would focus on: Profit rather than orders The benefits rather than the price. Instil courage in the sales force to take risks in pushing for a justified price increase Salesforce incentives to encourage a focus on prices Professional negotiating skills 2. Contracts and terms The shift towards long-term relationships favours such an approach and can have an enormous influence on profit margins. The common type of contract is that which has an escalation clause built in. The cost-plus formula also protects the margins. A reduction in discount acts as a price increase. 3. Demonstrating values rather than products. The aim is to demonstrate how the product differs from others in the market rather than selling a product. Sell packages that include services, technical support, terms and guarantees. Show the economic value to the customer. Build the brand to reduce the risk and confidence involved in buying a well-known brand. 4. Segmentation and positioning Recognise that customers differ greatly in the levels of price sensitivity. For some, it's the dominant criterion whilst, for others, it's the service, quality and image....
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